Ophoenix News
Ophoenix Joins Nationwide Effort To Relocate Disability Activist
This summer, Ophoenix participated in a nationwide effort to help a disabled young man relocate from Alabama to New York City. We also provided him with a laptop computer and a mobile broadband internet connection which enables him to communicate with friends and family via the internet.
This quadriplegic, ventilator dependent, disability rights advocate was dealing with a crumbling support system in Alabama. His care giving situation was deteriorating, and he was unable to attend school or participate in in-person social interactions. The relocation to a New York rehabilitation hospital provided him better medical care and community support. Soon he will resume working towards his dream of earning a college degree and living independently.
It's Not Always About Money
Sometimes a patient just needs to connect with the right people. Ophoenix was asked to help a woman who was recovering from a devastating illness. With excellent support from the county health system, we helped her get access to much needed medical resources. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune disease of the peripheral nerves which causes paralysis and a host of other symptoms. This woman was recovering from GBS, which had left her in constant pain and unable to walk well enough to leave her house. She had somehow fallen through the cracks at her local county medical facility and therefore was receiving no follow-up care. Our CEO, also a GBS survivor, made phone calls and sent emails, and this patient was quickly seen by a new doctor and back in the care of the county medical system.
When The Internet Seems Out Of Reach
Sometimes a patient doesn't have access to an internet connection, but Ophoenix has a solution for that problem! Ophoenix builds and delivers customized laptop computers that combine adaptive hardware and software with mobile broadband internet access. This spring and summer, we built three such systems and delivered them to a 10 year old boy, a middle-aged man, and the health care advocate who we helped relocate to New York City.
Ophoenix is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 20-2761771.
Donations to Ophoenix are deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.