Frequently Asked Questions
for Valley Medical Center Wireless Internet Access For Patients
- Where does it work?
- Where are the hospital provided computers?
- Can I use my own laptop?
- What kind of wireless card do I need for my laptop?
- Do I need permission to use the network?
- Who is allowed to use the wireless network?
- What if I need more help?
Where does it work?
WIAP access is currently available throughout the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Rehab Center, the Burn Center, and the Rehab Trauma Center (RTC). The WIAP is also accessible in the SCI model living area (kitchen, living room, bed room), the SCI patio, and many rooms in the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) center.
Where are the hospital provided computers?
Several computers have been donated to the hospital for use by patients and families. One desktop computer is located in the SCI Day Room, in a locked cabinet. The charge nurse has the key to the cabinet, if you need access. Another desktop computer is located in the SCI gym. There is one laptop available for general WIAP use, and it is normally stored in the cabinet in the SCI Day Room. Several more laptops, configured specially for the Virtual Visit program, are also available on request.
Can I use my own laptop?
Yes, you can use your own laptop. For Windows, we recommend that you have Windows XP (service pack 2) installed, a suitable wireless card (see below), and at least 256 MB of RAM. If you plan to use a Mac laptop you will need an iBook or Powerbook Gx with an Airport card and Mac OS X.3 or later.
What kind of wireless card do I need for my laptop?
For Windows, you will need a wireless card that is compatible with either the 802.11b or 802.11g standard. Several vendors also make wireless adapters that connect to the USB port on your computer. Mac users will need an Airport or an Airport Express card to connect to the network.
Do I need permission to use the network?
Yes, you do need permission to use the network. Before you are granted access to the WIAP, you will need to read and sign the "Terms of Use" agreement. Contact your occupational therapist for more information.
Who is allowed to use the wireless network?
The WIAP is provided solely for use by patients and their visiting friends and families. Hospital employees are only allowed to use the network to support its use as stated above.
What if I need more help?
Onsite support: Contact Debbie Burdsall, Rehab Technology Champion, email
Remote support: Ron Sidell (650) 339-3395 or email at
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